Our Dining Experiences
Our Bars & Restuarants
We have (3) distinct dining experiences at Pleasant Valley Golf Club.
Please read below for details for our 19th Hole Bar & Restaurant, The Pavilion and The Locker Room Bar.
19th Hole is Open for Private Parties.
Perfect for:
- Business Meetings
- Birthday Parties
- Showers
- Retirement / Anniversary Parties
- Graduation Parties
- and More!
Please Call Bobbie Jo at 724-628- 6360 Ext. 5 for information
Read the flyer!

The Pavilion Bar Restaurant
Hours: Open daily at 11am
Pavilion Bar is CLOSED for the Season. 724-628-6360 Ext 2 for Take-Out, Specials & Reservations in the Locker Room Bar or 19th Hole.
Now Booking for Private Parties!
Locker Room Bar
Locker Room Bar is OPEN for the Season
Please Join us for dining or Take-Out - 724-628-6360 Ext 2. Click on button above to view current Menus and Specials

Horizon Room (Party Room)
Horizon Room is Availbale for private functions, meetings, showers and more!